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ClamAV command-line Tiger version

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Update or install this Anti-Virus utility in Tiger Mac OS X 10.4 - an outdated release already comes supplied with Server edition of Tiger and it needs this update!

1st dL the March 2010 database-only, highest that can be plugged cleanly into Tiger, over 750000 "known viruses" compare to as few as 29000 if you don't update. And, I've built a software backup volume of mine which causes an un-updated Tiger clamscan to system freeze under Kernel Panic every time. This database plugin also fixes clamscan so that particular volume will report a brief engine error rather than KP. Installation requires Terminal knowledge, instructions are included in the dL.

PPC and Intel Macs

Intended for Tiger OS X only, especially Server but could be used on Client (perhaps in limited ways until it all gets ironed out)


Released: 2010

Operation System(s): OS X

Categories: Antivirus


Publishers: Apple


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