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Truths & Fictions: A Journey from Documentary to Digital Photography

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In his groundbreaking CD-ROM I Photograph to Remember, hailed by Rolling Stone as "a universal work", Pedro Meyer documented his parents' last year of life with infinite skill and tenderness. Now, in Truths & Fictions, he turns his camera on the digital revolution itself. His spectacular photographs, seamless and fascinating blends of separate images, challenge established notions about where photographic "truths" leave off and "fictions" begin. Inviting us into the "Digital Studio", Meyer reveals how he arrives at his haunting compositions and narrates his path to the finished work. In the "Correspondence" section, the computer turns into a forum where creative people from eighteen countries discuss the cultural and aesthetic implications of the digital revolution, and grapple with the changing nature of the photographic image. Meyer's entire exhibit is displayed in the "Gallery" space, with critical commentary by Jonathan Green, Director of the California Museum of Photography. (from the CD box)

Toast image, compressed with StuffIt 5.5.

The CD plays in English and Spanish.

The CD can also be viewed online.

This is a Mac-only CD-ROM.

System requirements:


4.5 MB RAM

640 x 480 monitor

16-bit display (thousands of colours) to view in colour

8-bit (256 colours) to view in grayscale


Released: 1995

Operation System(s): System 7 -> Mac OS 9

Categories: Reference

Authors: Pedro Meyer

Publishers: The Voyager Company


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